Kumar, being rather young, went on the Easter course with the intention of having some fun and doing a Little karate training - but not to much. He was allocated a seat in Sensei Merv's car and quickly struck up a friendship with Elliott and Callum.

Safely belted up.


Unfortunately Kumar would not stop joking and singing. The final straw was when he kept pestering to play "I spy". With that he was transferred to Gaels car, also known as "the party car" which had constant loud music and lots of adventures getting lost in Holland.

Kumar at the wheel.


When driving through Belgium, Kumar made the convoy stop for a "comfort break". Which turned out to be an excuse for a drink and some games.

Michael found it funny seeing kumar needing some help to drink.


Kumar found this quite difficult.


Kumar went for some cycle rides but there were so many bikes that he had a problem finding his one.

Not sure if this is the right one.


In the end Kumar lost his bike and so Chris volunteered to give him a lift.

Ready for the off.


Some of the course members stayed at a hotel but others stayed in Tents in the back garden.

The fence came in very handy for drying the Karate suits.


Kumar was lucky because he had first class accommodation in the Garden shed.

Its nice to wake up with a hot mug of tea ready by the bed.


Kumar had some great fun in the park.

It was a bit fast but Kumar really liked the slide.    


The only problem was that after a few go's on the slide and swings, Kumar was feeling rather dizzy.



Kumar found a shaded area under a great tree to rest and get his balance back, but unfortunately the local inhabitants didn't like this and told him to "clear off"

The problem was that they had had a bad experience with a bear earlier in the year.


On the Karate course Kumar was please to see that Sensei Maarten's son "Luuk" was going to join in with the training.



Before starting the lesson Sensei explained how important it was in Karate to have a sense of humility and demonstrated how to clean the floor. Michael was next and then I had a go.

  Kumar didn't want a picture of himself sweeping the floor. He thought it would be bad for his street credit.(Editors note: Kumar still has a lot to learn)


It got very hot during the training and after wards Kumar couldn't wait to get a drink from the shop and so asked at a restaurant if he could have a drink from the flower glass.

Kumar couldn't wait any longer for the drinks.


On one of the days kumar and his friends went to train with another Sensei at a Dutch city called "Den Bosch". It was so hot and the training was for much longer than usual that Michael, Kumar and Callum all fell asleep in the car.

No! we are not tired.


It was a great course and Kumar really enjoyed the visits to different places. In particular going to a restaurant by a huge river at "Schoonhoven" for a great end of course meal.

Kumar of course had lemonade in his glass.


The real highlight of the course was that it was Elliott's 18th Birthday and kumar was allowed to stay up to enjoy it with the older students.


Elliott thought at first that it was all for him



Kumar with his course friends next to Elliott, seated.


This was Kumars first International course and he is looking foreward to going on his next.

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