As in previous years the club members visit The Clay Tandoori in Portchester, otherwise known as "Sam's" on the last training Friday of the year. Early in the new year the club holds a special New year meal for Partners as well, at the Cormorant pub/restaurant in Castle St, Portchester. The available table places were quickly taken and with 48 people it was a noisy evening.

Roy, Dave and Bryan formed the welcoming party and after making sure all received a complimentary club drink, were shown to their tables. Elliott unfortunately had a prior engagement but came down to join us for a hour. As some will know Elliott has been promoted in the club hierarchy and is now responsible for the after training sandwiches on a Friday evening.


Sensei Merv congratulating Elliott on some good planning.


Scott half way through story.


The children's table.



















Excitement mounts for the raffle. A cabbage for Roy


Richard caught playing with the numbers Looks like a big prize.





Sensei giving a concluding speech and thanking those who did all the hard work.


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