Sensei Faye 4th Dan Visits our sister club, Groen Hart in Holland. 3rd to 7th July 2010.
Sensei Faye and four other members of the Portchester club visited Holland in early July. The purpose being to teach and socialise with the members of our Groen Hart sister club, and also to see some of the "real" Dutch countryside.
Callum, Elliott and Liam enjoying a small snack.
On the Monday evening Sensei Faye taught a general class with members ranging from White belt to 1st Dan. Contrary to popular opinion not all Dutch people speak English but with the experience that she has gained over the years, both in teaching Karate and her work, Sensei Faye was able to explain and demonstrate to all the class and get the members to achieve her set aims.
Sensei Faye with Gijs 1st Kyu (Groen Hart) immediately behind her.
The Tuesday evening session was aimed at the Dan grades. Sensei Merv runs the Groen Hart club and although he teaches there regularly on Monday and Tuesday's he feels it very important for, particularly the senior grades, to experience different karate teaching styles.
The Groen Hart senior members have been training for some years now and so are well versed in the standard Karate terminology used in most Dojo's. Hence Sensei Faye was able to develop a hard working and spirited session. It was particularly in this session that the other Portchester visitors were also able to get more involved in pair work with the Dutch members.
Jeroen (Groen hart) paired up with Elliott (Portchester)
Jack (Groen Hart) with Callum (Portchester)
Apart from the Monday and Tuesday sessions Liam, Callum and Elliott with Jeroen and Jack went to give support to the SEKU squad visit, taking place that weekend in Holland, to take part in the WJKN European Championships.
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