Sensei Lacho 6th Dan and Chief Instructor to the IJKA in Bulgarai visited in July to teach at the Portchester Club, Kanku club in Bournmouth and on the Rengokai Summer course. Sensei Lacho was accompanied by Sensei Emil 4th Dan. It was one of the "best weather" weeks of the summer and in addition to dojo visits we were able to entertain our guests with a day out on the water, a visit to Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, for lunch, and a visit to the Royal Armoury musuem.

The itinary was as shown by the following pictures.

Senseis Lacho and Emil (lower centre) with Portchester club members.











Wednesday 1st lesson. Juniors and parents.












Wednesday 2nd lesson. Adult Black and Brown. (includes visitors)











Thursday morning Class "Dads Army" (Sensei lacho - far right).











Kanku (Bournmouth) Juniors.












Kanku Seniors.











Friday evening adults.









Sayurday course members.








Sunday course members








Events Calendar

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