With the growing numbers of Brown Belts in the club it was recently decided to commence holding special Kata classes for the Brown Belts in particular. 4th Kyu's and Dan grades could attend, but the emphassis in teaching and Bunkai practice (kata applications) was primarily for the Brown Belts.

This is an "extra" session and would cover Kata outside of the grading syllabus work. Although Kyu gradings can take place every three months ( with the student having completed sufficent sessions), it is the Portchester Club policy to usually have a minimum of four month intervals. Taking into account todays working and family commitment difficulties in attending two lessons a week This allows the majority of students to attend enough sessions to have aquired the necessary understanding and experience to satisfy the grading requirements.

Most of the Class members.












As the first of the Brown Belt Kata Focus classes, Sensei O'Donnell chose to teach Nijushiho Kata. This was chosen as it is not to lengthy a kata and facilitated the practice of Sanchin Dach stance.

Side thrust kick with a self defence application.














Class members covering the full age range.















Events Calendar

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