A brief introduction on St. Nicholas.

In mid-November Dutch television broadcasts the official arrival of St. Nicholas and his helper Zwart piet, live to the nation. Coming by steamer from Spain, each year they dock in the harbour of a different city or village. Wearing traditional bishop's robes, Sinterklaas rides into town on a white horse to be greeted by the mayor. A motorcade and a brass band begin a great parade which leads Sinterklaas and his Piets through the town.

Nearly every city, town and village has its own Sinterklaas parade. He usually arrives by horseback, but occasionally he comes by boat, carriage, moped, or helicopter.

In the weeks before St. Nicholas day, December 5, Sinterklaas goes about the country to find out if the children have been well-behaved. He and his Zwarte Piet helpers visit children in schools, hospitals, department stores, and even at home. 

During this time children sing Sinterklaas songs and put their shoes next to the window or door, or, by the fireplace or heater, along with a nice drawing, a wish-list and a carrot or hay, and maybe a saucer of water, for the horse. If St. Nicholas happens by while checking on their behavior, the next morning children may find chocolate coins or their name, initial letter, candy treats, and little gifts in their shoes. Everyone hopes for sweets, not coal or a little bag of salt. In some families he may stop by every night, but usually just once or several times—and not if the children have been naughty that day or forgot to sing their songs!

Kumar was very lucky to be invited to meet St. Nicholas.

Unfortunatly I missed his arrival on his white horse.

When the local television company heard that I was there they quickly asked me to help them with the interviews.



Dont be nervous, just speak into the microphone.



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