Kumars First visit to Holland

Kumar was very worried about his Karate visit to Holland and apart from what food he could eat how was he going to understand the language. As it turned out he shouldn't have worried because The Karate lessons are mainly with Japanese terms and expressions. Kumar being a good student had quickly learnt how to count in Japanese and also the Japanese expressions. He was surprised to find that the Karate lesson with the Dutch children was just like in England. Also all the children were very friendly and made him feel at home.

Kumar at the beginning and rather shy.

Brothers Dave and Levi got talking to Kumar and explained what to do. They said that he had to register so that if there was an emergency then Sensei would be able to be sure that everyone was safe. (Just like school). They then introduced Kumar to Petra (one of the Juniors mum's) who was looking after the register.

Dave, Kumar, Levy and Petra.

Dave and Levi then showed Kumar some of the moves and said he had to bend his front knee and pull his hand back to the waist. Problem was that Kumar kept getting the wrong leg forward.

Dave and Levi helping Kumar.

Kumar glad to be sitting on the bench. The floor was very cold!

When Kumar was asked about the session he said that for about 25 minutes every one practiced basics all together. Then the children were split into groups to learn their different Kata. Kumar worked on Kihon Kata. After about 15 minutes everyone did team skill games which was doing various techniques to the end of the hall, 5 star jumps. 20 super-fast punches in horse stance and then running back to the start. Sensei said that this exercise was for fitness and fun but we had to do reasonable techniques. The problem was that after 40 minutes of hard work we just wanted to have fun.

This is me and my team friends (L to R Maarten,Kyran and Joris). I was the captain.

Then when there was just 5 minutes to go Sensei said that he was very pleased with how hard we had all worked and we could have a game of "silent Kinger" Maarten and Frederica (the two senior grades) were "up" and they had to hit us with a soft ball. When it was my turn to throw the ball the Dutch children thought I was a champion. It was really hard getting excited but having to stay quite. Sensei said this was to help us develop self discipline. I think he just had a head ache.

Being a bear I climbed up high and could throw the ball further.

My new Dutch friends said I can go back anytime to visit and next time they would teach me how to count in Dutch. When I said goodbye and that I was looking forward to seeing them again they all said "Graag tot volgende keer" I wonder what that means?







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